Healthy Eating to Lose Weight Diet Plan | 30-Day Meal Plan & Weight Loss Guide - Healthy Living | The Right Way

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Healthy Eating to Lose Weight Diet Plan | 30-Day Meal Plan & Weight Loss Guide


A Successful Weight Loss Diet Starts from the Inside!

If you’re like most people, you’ve been on a million weight loss diets, from Weight Watchers and Atkins to South Beach and celeb diets. You voraciously read magazines for their weight loss tips and gravitate toward the headlines that promise you can lose weight fast. The chances are good that you have, indeed, lost weight on many of these diets, but the chances are even better that you’ve gained it all back – plus some.

There are some helpful tips before we get into our diet plan


Proven Weight Loss Tips

#1 Drink more water. Drinking water to lose weight is one of the easiest things you can do to support your weight loss efforts. Studies have shown that drinking water raises your metabolism, and improves your fat burning rate.

#2 Eat more often. While it is true that to lose weight you need to eat less calories than you expend…you need to eat more often to get the metabolic furnace stoked up and burning right. Get it out of starvation mode. So start the day off with breakfast. Even an instant breakfast drink and a piece of fruit as we head out the door in the morning.

  #3 Move more. Depending on your physical condition you need to be moving more. Use the stairs rather than the elevator, park farther out from the office or the store, go for a walk around the block, go dancing, play with your kids. Make it fun. Running is not the only way to burn more calories.

  #4 Finally, determine your “Why”. Decide why you want to discard fat. Make your reason big enough to motivate you through the slumps that invariably happen.  

Discover How The “Health Foods” You’re Eating Every Day Are Making Your Fat Cells SICK

Overcome Your Plateau with these 5 Easy Tips

These five free weight loss tips can help.

1. Change your calorie intake. One way to overcome a plateau while maintaining a healthy weight loss plan is to change your calorie intake. Monitor how many calories you’re eating and decrease them slightly to see if your weight scale moves again. You might try the zigzag method as well. To do this, decrease calories one day, and then increase calories the next. This helps shift your body out of its comfort zone. Only make minor adjustments and monitor your weight with each small change.

  2. Replace a snack or two. If you usually eat a chocolate bar as a mid-afternoon snack, try replacing this with a fruit or vegetable. Eat apples, bananas, carrots and low-fat dip, or celery and low-fat dip instead of chocolate. Fruits and vegetables are not only filling, but they also promote healthy weight loss.

  3. Keep exercising, but endure longer. Another way to boost weight loss and get your body moving again is to increase your exercise time. Instead of 30 minutes a day, try exercising 45 minutes a day. Walk every chance you get. Walking is a great (non-strenuous) exercise that helps your heart and promotes healthy weight loss.Park your car a little farther from the mall than usual when shopping. Walk your dog twice a day instead of only once. Take a walk during your breaks at work. These small changes can make a big difference in your weight loss efforts.

  4. Monitor “what” you are eating. Are you eating mainly sugar and carbohydrates on your weight loss diet? If so, try replacing one or two of these with a protein-rich food. Protein is a proven fat burner and energy booster, and many weight trainers use it to boost their workouts. Protein also helps you fill full longer so you’re less likely to be hungry an hour later. There are protein snack bars on the market now so you can easily get a boost during the day. Other changes you can make include increasing your water and fiber intake if you feel you’re not getting enough of these.

  5. Eat smaller, more frequent meals. Instead of eating three large meals a day, try eating smaller, more frequent meals. Reduce portion sizes at your regular meals, and add small snacks in between each meal. This helps boost your metabolism and keeps you from being hungry during the day and splurging at night. Keep in mind that fast weight loss can be unhealthy, but you might lose fast at the start of any diet or when overcoming a plateau. This is normal. These tips are to help you break the plateau so you can start losing weight again. Weight loss diets can help you feel and look better than you ever have before.
Use these ideas to break through your plateau today so you can reach your future weight loss goals.

DISCLAIMER: Consult with your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before embarking on this plan. We disclaim any liability based on information provided in it.


30-Day Meal Plan

Daily Meal Plan 1

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
A Whole Egg with oatmeal and Small Glass of Skim Milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Low Sugar Strawberry Yogurt used for dipping Banana

Meal 2 (Lunch)
Turkey Breast with Brown Rice Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Low Sugar Strawberry Yogurt used for dipping Banana

Meal 3 (Dinner)
Grilled Tuna with Asparagus Snack 3 (Late Evening) Small Handful of Unsalted Walnuts on Small Salad  

Daily Meal Plan 2

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
Cream of Wheat with Glass of Skim Milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Low-Fat Cottage Cheese with Blueberries

Meal 2 (Lunch)
Whole Wheat wrap with Turkey and Low-Fat Cheese Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Low-Fat Cottage Cheese with Blueberries

Meal 3 (Dinner)
Baked Chicken Breast with Broccoli Snack 3 (Late Evening) A Low-Fat Cheese Stick with a Few Celery Sticks

Daily Meal Plan 3

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
Oatmeal with Skim Milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) ½ Banana with Low-Fat Yogurt

Meal 2 (Lunch)
Grilled Chicken Breast with small sweet potato Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Apple with ¼ handful of unsalted almonds

Meal 3 (Dinner)
Grilled Salmon with Asparagus Snack 3 (Late Evening) Celery Sticks

Daily Meal Plan 4

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
Turkey Bacon with Egg and Whole Grain Toast Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Can of Tuna with Watermelon

 Meal 2 (Lunch)
Grilled Chicken on Bed of Salad Greens with Whole Grain Crackers Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Mango with Low-Fat Cheese Sticks 

Meal 3 (Dinner) 
Broiled Salmon with Green Salad Snack 3 (Late Evening) Celery Sticks w/ small Amount of Natural Peanut Butter

Daily Meal Plan 5

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
 2 Slices of Whole Grain Bread, a Whole Egg and some EggWhites Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Peaches with Low-Sugar Yogurt 

Meal 2 (Lunch) 
Sweet Potato with Broiled Turkey Burgers Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Can of Tuna with Watermelon 

Meal 3 (Dinner) Baked Tilapia with Cold Spinach Salad Snack 3 (Late Evening) Plain Low Fat Yogurt used as Dip for Veggie Sticks

Daily Meal Plan 6

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
 Slice of whole grain bread w/ teaspoon of peanut butter and Medium Glass of Low Fat or Skim Milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Mango with Low-Fat Cheese Sticks 

Meal 2 (Lunch)
Whole Wheat Pasta with Boiled Shrimp Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Bit of High Fiber Whole Grain Cereal mixed w/low sugar apple sauce + Walnuts

 Meal 3 (Dinner)
Grilled Chicken Breast with Sliced Cucumbers Snack 3 (Late Evening) Plain Low Fat Yogurt used as Dip for Veggie Sticks  

Daily Meal Plan 7

Meal 1 (Breakfast) 
Healthy higher fiber cold cereal with low fat or Skim milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) A Couple of Low Fat Cheese Sticks and a Mango 

Meal 2 (Lunch) 
Grilled Tilapia with a Small Serving of Whole Wheat Pasta Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) 1 Cup of Low Sugar Yogurt with Strawberries 

Meal 3 (Dinner)
Grilled Turkey Breast with Cooked Spinach with Dash of Vinegar Snack 3 (Late Evening) Small serving of Canned Chicken with a Sliced Cucumber

Daily Meal Plan 8

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
Plain Oatmeal with a whole egg and some egg whites Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Half a handful of unsalted almonds and a half handful of blueberries

 Meal 2 (Lunch)
Grilled Tuna Steak with a Medium Sweet Potato Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Low Fat Cottage Cheese with pineapple

 Meal 3 (Dinner) Chicken and Shrimp Stir Fry with Vegetable Medley Snack 3 (Late Evening) A Small Can of Tuna with some Raw Veggies

Discover How The “Health Foods” You’re Eating Every Day Are Making Your Fat Cells SICK

Daily Meal Plan 9

Meal 1 (Breakfast) 
Whole Wheat Wrap with Peanut Butter and Small Glass of Skim Milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Half a handful of unsalted almonds and small apple

 Meal 2 (Lunch)
 1 Peanut Butter sandwich on whole grain bread Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) 1 cup of lower sugar yogurt with a peach 

Meal 3 (Dinner)
Grilled Turkey Burgers with Grilled Veggie Kabobs Snack 3 (Late Evening) A Low Fat Cheese Stick with some Cucumber Slices

Daily Meal Plan 10

Meal 1 (Breakfast) 
Healthy higher fiber cold cereal with low fat or Skim milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) 1 cup of lower sugar yogurt with a banana 

Meal 2 (Lunch)
1 turkey sandwich (lots of turkey) with low fat cheese on whole grain bread Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Half a handful of unsalted almonds and small pear 

Meal 3 (Dinner) Grilled Turkey Burgers with Grilled Veggie Kabobs Snack 3 (Late Evening) Celery Sticks with a small spread of Peanut Butter

Daily Meal Plan 11

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
1 Whole Egg, ½ Chicken Breast, and 1 Slice of Whole Grain Bread Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Unsalted Almonds with Pear 

Meal 2 (Lunch)
1 chicken breast sandwich on whole wheat/grain w/mustard and w/out mayo Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Apple Slices with teaspoon Peanut Butter 

Meal 3 (Dinner) 
Grilled Halibut with Cooked Zucchini and Yellow Squash Snack 3 (Late Evening) Celery Sticks with Plain low-sugar yogurt for dipping

Daily Meal Plan 12

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
 Cream of Wheat with 1 Whole Egg Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Walnuts (Unsalted) with an Orange

 Meal 2 (Lunch)
 Mozzarella and tomato sandwich (Whole wheat or grain) Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Half a handful of Unsalted Pecans and a half handful of Cherries

 Meal 3 (Dinner) 
Grilled Turkey Burgers with Grilled Veggie Kabobs Snack 3 (Late Evening) Cucumber Sticks w/plain Yogurt for Dipping

Daily Meal Plan 13

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
Oatmeal with Turkey Bacon small glass of Skim Milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) ½ Handful Unsalted Almonds with Pear 

Meal 2 (Lunch)
 Peanut butter and banana sandwich on whole wheat or grain bread Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Half a handful of unsalted Pecans and an Orange

 Meal 3 (Dinner)
Grilled chicken breast and asparagus Snack 3 (Late Evening) Raw Cauliflower Sticks w/teaspoon of low fat Dip

Daily Meal Plan 14

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
Healthy higher fiber cold cereal with low fat or Skim milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) A Couple of Low Fat Cheese Sticks and a large Orange

 Meal 2 (Lunch)
 1 Tablespoon Almond Butter on whole grain or wheat crackers Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Low Fat Cottage Cheese with a small Papaya 

Meal 3 (Dinner)
Unsalted Pecans on Green Salad with Oil and Vinegar Dressing Snack 3 (Late Evening) Raw Broccoli Sticks w/teaspoon of low fat Dip

Daily Meal Plan 15

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
 A Whole Grain English Muffin w/slice of low-fat cheese and Small Glass of Skim Milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) A Peach and a large teaspoon scoop of Peanut Butter

 Meal 2 (Lunch)
 Black Beans and Rice (brown or wild rice) Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Low Sugar Plain Yogurt used for dipping Peach Slices 

Meal 3 (Dinner) 
Grilled Shrimp with Asparagus and Mushrooms Snack 3 (Late Evening) Small Handful of Unsalted Pecans on Small Salad

Daily Meal Plan 16

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
 A Whole Grain English Muffin w/peanut butter spread and Small Glass of Skim Milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Apple Slices with Almond Butter spread 

Meal 2 (Lunch)
 Red Beans and Rice (brown or wild rice) Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Low Sugar Plain Yogurt used for dipping Apple Slices 

Meal 3 (Dinner) 
Baked Scallops with Cabbage Snack 3 (Late Evening) Small Handful of Unsalted Walnuts on Small Salad

Daily Meal Plan 17

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
 A Bran Cereal w/Skim Milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Pineapple with Low Fat Cottage Cheese 

Meal 2 (Lunch)
 Pinto Beans and 2 Slices Whole Grain Toast Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Low Sugar Blueberry Yogurt and a Plum 

Meal 3 (Dinner) 
Grilled Grouper with Fresh Onion, Cucumber, and Tomato Slices Snack 3 (Late Evening) Small Low Sugar Yogurt and Celery Sticks

Daily Meal Plan 18

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
 Puffed Wheat Cereal w/Skim Milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Mandarin Orange w/large teaspoon scoop of Almond Butter

 Meal 2 (Lunch)
 No Skin Cornish Hen with Sweet Potato Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Nectarine w/ strawberry yogurt 

Meal 3 (Dinner) 
Small Filet Mignon w/Mushrooms and Cold Spinach Salad Snack 3 (Late Evening) Fresh Carrot Sticks w/Plain Yogurt Dip  

Daily Meal Plan 19

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
 Shredded Wheat Cereal w/Skim Milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Nectarine w/large teaspoon scoop of Peanut Butter 

Meal 2 (Lunch) 
No Skin, White Meat Rotisserie Chicken w/Brown Rice Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Mandarin Orange w/ blueberry yogurt

Meal 3 (Dinner)
 Lean Flank Steak w/Cooked Summer Squash and Zucchini Snack 3 (Late Evening) Fresh Broccoli Sticks with Plain Yogurt Dip

Discover How The “Health Foods” You’re Eating Every Day Are Making Your Fat Cells SICK

Daily Meal Plan 20

Meal 1 (Breakfast) 
Whole Grain Waffles with Turkey Bacon and a Glass of Skim Milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Handful of Blackberries and Vanilla Yogurt 

Meal 2 (Lunch)
 Green Salad w/Egg Whites, Cucumbers, & Tomatoes & Whole Wheat Crackers plus Olive Oil and Vinegar Based Dressing Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) A Pear and a Handful of Almonds 

Meal 3 (Dinner)
 Turkey Sausage (low sodium) with Sauerkraut Snack 3 (Late Evening) Cucumber Slices w/hot sauce and a few Unsalted Walnuts

Daily Meal Plan 21

Meal 1 (Breakfast) 
High Fiber Cereal with Skim Milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Handful of Blueberries and Plain Yogurt 

Meal 2 (Lunch)
Green Salad w/Almonds, Cucumbers, & Tomatoes & Whole Wheat Crackers plus Olive Oil and Vinegar Based Dressing Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Low Fat Yogurt and Papaya 

Meal 3 (Dinner) 
Chicken Sausage (low sodium) with Sauerkraut Snack 3 (Late Evening) Cucumber Slices w/a few Unsalted Almonds  

Daily Meal Plan 22

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
1 Egg Yolk and 2 Egg Whites w Whole Grain Toast Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Handful of Strawberries and Vanilla Yogurt

 Meal 2 (Lunch)
Green Salad w/Pecans, Cucumbers, & Tomatoes & Whole Wheat Crackers plus Olive Oil and Vinegar Based Dressing Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) 2 Plums with a Small Handful of Pecans

 Meal 3 (Dinner)
 Kidney Beans w/Grilled Eggplant and Fresh Tomato Slices Snack 3 (Late Evening) Cucumber Slices w/a few Unsalted Pecans

Daily Meal Plan 23

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
Kashi Cereal with Low Fat or Skim Milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Handful of Cherries and Plain Yogurt

 Meal 2 (Lunch) 
Grilled Chicken Breast on a Green Salad w/Oil & Vinegar Dressing Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Apple w/Peanut Butter

 Meal 3 (Dinner)
Eggs and Fresh Salsa with Sliced Cucumbers Snack 3 (Late Evening) Veggie Sticks and Low Fat Yogurt

Daily Meal Plan 24
Meal 1 (Breakfast)
 Turkey Bacon, Whole Grain Toast and a Glass of Skim Milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Handful of Unsalted Almonds and 1/2 Handful of Fresh Strawberries

 Meal 2 (Lunch)
Grilled Turkey Burgers w/Brown Rice Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Mango Slices and ½ handful of Peanuts

 Meal 3 (Dinner)
 Homemade Chicken and Vegetable Soup Snack 3 (Late Evening) Cucumber Slices w/ hot sauce w/small handful or Pecans  

Daily Meal Plan 25

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
 Whole Egg w/ Egg Whites and a Whole Grain Waffle Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Low Fat Cottage Cheese with Peaches

 Meal 2 (Lunch)
 Chicken Fajitas w/Corn or Whole Wheat Tortillas w/ Wild Rice Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) ½ Handful of Walnuts w/an Orange

 Meal 3 (Dinner) 
Homemade Turkey and Vegetable Soup Snack 3 (Late Evening) Low Fat Yogurt used for Dipping Veggie Sticks

Daily Meal Plan 26

Meal 1 (Breakfast) 
Plain Oatmeal and one Slice of Whole Grain Toast w/teaspoon of peanut butter Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Low Fat Cheese Stick and Papaya

 Meal 2 (Lunch) 
Grilled Fish with Sweet Potato Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) 1 Cup of Low Sugar Yogurt with Kiwi 

Meal 3 (Dinner)
 Baked Chicken with Steamed Asparagus Snack 3 (Late Evening) Small Green Salad w/Small handful of Walnuts

Daily Meal Plan 27

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
Cream of Wheat, Multi Grain Toast and Small Glass of Skim Milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) ½ Handful of Peanuts and Mandarin Oranges

 Meal 2 (Lunch) 
Whole Wheat Turkey Wrap w/Oil & Vinegar Based Dressing Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Watermelon

 Meal 3 (Dinner)
Green Salad w/Grilled Chicken Breast and Oil & Vinegar Dressing Snack 3 (Late Evening) 1 Cup of Low Fat Blueberry Yogurt w/small green salad  

Daily Meal Plan 28

Meal 1 (Breakfast) 
Whole Grain English Muffin w/Low Fat Cheese and Small Glass of Skim Milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Low Fat Cottage Cheese w/Blueberries 

Meal 2 (Lunch)
 Peanut Butter Sandwich on Whole Grain Bread Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Banana Slices w/Peanut Butter

 Meal 3 (Dinner) 
Grilled Turkey Burgers with Grilled Veggie Kabobs Snack 3 (Late Evening) Cucumber Slices w/Low Fat Yogurt Used for Dipping

Daily Meal Plan 29

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
 Unsweetened Natural Granola w/Skim Milk Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Strawberries and ½ Handful of Almonds 

Meal 2 (Lunch)
 Kashi Bar with Yogurt Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Pear Slices with Peanut Butter spread

 Meal 3 (Dinner)
 Spinach Salad w/Oil & Vinegar Based Dressing w/ Broiled Turkey Burgers Snack 3 (Late Evening) 1 Cup of Low Fat Plain Yogurt w/cold raw carrots

Daily Meal Plan 30

Meal 1 (Breakfast)
Cream of Wheat and Turkey Bacon Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) Papaya and 1 Low Fat Cheese Stick

 Meal 2 (Lunch) 
Chicken Fajitas and Small Green Salad with corn or whole wheat tortillas Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) Grapes & ½ Handful of Walnuts 

Meal 3 (Dinner) Grilled Salmon w/Steamed Vegetable Medley Snack 3 (Late Evening) Veggie Sticks w/Low Fat Yogurt

Discover How The “Health Foods” You’re Eating Every Day Are Making Your Fat Cells SICK

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